The FTC2050 project aimed to identify and evaluate urban freight logistics initiatives that may have the greatest impact on reducing fuel consumption and energy requirements.
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A fundamental ambition of the FTC2050 project was to investigate the potential impact of carriers working together to reduce their combined carbon footprint.
The FTC2050 project investigated the use of porters for the ‘last-200m’ delivery of parcels, reducing the need for vans by decoupling the motorised transport from the delivery.
Retailers, couriers and customers can reduce the carbon footprint of deliveries by adopting greener delivery strategies
The practical application and policy impact of the FTC2050 project
The project received support from a number of industry partners and individuals.
Fast, Green & Free Deliveries – Overcoming the last mile challenge in urban transport University of Liverpool in London, 25 June 2019
The project generated over 20 articles directly relating to the research
Allen, J., Piecyk, M., Cherrett, T., Nabil Juhari, M., McLeod, F., Piotrowska, M., Bates, O., Bektas, T., Cheliotis, K., Friday, A., Wise, S. (2021). UNDERSTANDING THE TRANSPORT AND CO2 IMPACTS OF ON-DEMAND MEAL DELIVERIES: A LONDON CASE STUDY. Cities 108: 102973.
McLeod, F., Cherrett, T., Bates, O., Bektaş, T., Lamas-Fernandez, C., Allen, J., Piotrowska, M., Piecyk, M, Oakey, A. (2020). COLLABORATIVE PARCELS LOGISTICS VIA THE CARRIER’S CARRIER OPERATING MODEL. Transportation Research Record, 2674(8), 384-393.
S. Wise, K. Cheliotis, O. Bates, A. Friday, J. Allen, F. McLeod & T. Cherrett (2018) USING AN AGENT-BASED MODEL TO EXPLORE ALTERNATIVE MODES OF LAST-MILE PARCEL DELIVERY IN URBAN CONTEXTS In Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoSpatial Simulation – Seattle, Washington, USA.
O. Bates, A. Friday, J. Allen, F. McLeod, T. Cherrett, S. Wise, M. Piecyk, M. Piotrowska, T. Bektas & T. Nguyen (2018) ICT FOR SUSTAINABLE LAST-MILE LOGISTICS: DATA, PEOPLE AND PARCELS In Proceedings of ICT4S (ICT for Sustainability), Toronto, Canada
O. Bates, A.Friday, J. Allen, T. Cherrett, F. McLeod, T. Bektas, T. Nguyen, M. Piecyk, M. Piotrowska, S. Wise & N. Davies (2018) TRANSFORMING LAST-MILE LOGISTICS: OPPORTUNITIES FOR MORE SUSTAINABLE DELIVERIES In Proceedings of CHI 18, Montreal, Canada.
J. Allen, T. Bektas, T. Cherrett, O. Bates, A. Friday, F. McLeod, M. Piecyk, M. Piotrowska & S. Wise (2018) THE SCOPE FOR PAVEMENT PORTERS: ADDRESSING THE CHALLENGES OF LAST-MILE PARCEL DELIVERY IN LONDON. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board, 2672 (9): 184-193. DOI: 10.1177/0361198118794535.
C. Remy, O. Bates, V. Thomas & M. Broadbent (2018) “SUSTAINABILITY… IT’S JUST NOT IMPORTANT”. THE CHALLENGES OF ACADEMIC ENGAGEMENT WITH DIVERSE STAKEHOLDERS In Proceedings of ICT4S (ICT for Sustainability) 2018, Toronto, Canada.
T. Nguyen, T. Bektaş, T. Cherrett, F. McLeod, J. Allen, O. Bates, M. Piotrowska, M. Piecyk, A. Friday & S. Wise (2018) OPTIMISING PARCEL DELIVERIES IN LONDON USING DUAL-MODE ROUTING Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS).
J. Allen, T. Cherrett, M. Piecyk & M. Piotrowska (2018) THE LOGISTICS OF PARCEL DELIVERY: CURRENT OPERATIONS AND CHALLENGES FACING THE UK MARKET In: M. Browne, S. Behrends, J. Woxenius, G. Guiliano & J. Holguin-Veras (eds.)Urban Logistics: Management, Policy and Innovation in a Rapidly Changing Environment. United Kingdom: Kogan Page Ltd. 141-166.
J. Allen, M. Piecyk, M. Piotrowska, F. McLeod, T. Cherrett, T. Nguyen, T. Bektas, O. Bates, A. Friday, S. Wise & M. Z. Austwick (2017) UNDERSTANDING THE IMPACT OF E-COMMERCE ON LAST-MILE LIGHT GOODS VEHICLE ACTIVITY IN URBAN AREAS: THE CASE OF LONDON Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. DOI: 10.1016/2017.07.020.
O. Bates, V. Thomas & C. Remy (2017) DOING GOOD IN HCI: CAN WE BROADEN THE AGENDA? interactions, 24 (5):80-82. DOI: 10.1145/3121386.
J. Allen, T. Bektas, T. Cherrett, A. Friday, F. McLeod, M. Piecyk, M. Piotrowska & M. Austwick (2017) ENABLING A FREIGHT TRAFFIC CONTROLLER FOR COLLABORATIVE MULTIDROP URBAN LOGISTICS. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2609 (1): 77-84. DOI: 10.3141/2609-09.
O. Bates, B. Knowles & A. Friday (2017) ARE PEOPLE THE KEY TO ENABLING COLLABORATIVE SMART LOGISTICS? CHI EA ’17 Proceedings of the CHI Conference: Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1494-1499, Colorado, USA. [POSTER]
J. Allen, T. Bektas, T. Cherrett, A. Friday, F. McLeod, M. Piecyk, M. Piotrowska & M. Z. Austwick (2017) ENABLING THE FREIGHT TRAFFIC CONTROLLER FOR COLLABORATIVE MULTI-DROP URBAN LOGISTICS: PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL CHALLENGES Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting (TRB 2017), Washington, US, 08 – 12.
O. Bates, K. New, S. Mitchell-Finnigan, M. Mauriello, C. Remy, R. Bendor, S. Mann, S. Chopra, A.K. Clear, & C. Preist (2019) “Towards a Responsible Innovation Agenda for HCI” Computer Human Interaction (CHI) Workshop Paper.
J. Allen, M. Piecyk, M. Piotrowska, F. McLeod, T. Cherrett, K. Ghali, T. Nguyen, T. Bektas, O. Bates, A. Friday & S. Wise (2017) INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY OF PARCEL OPERATIONS In Fourth International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight Transport, University of Cambridge.
O. Bates, V. Thomas, C. Remy, L. Nathan, S. Mann & A. Friday (2018) THE FUTURE OF HCI AND SUSTAINABILITY: CHAMPIONING ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL JUSTICE Special Interest Group, CHI 2018, Montreal, Canada.
C. Remy, O. Bates, A. Dix, V. Thomas, M. Hazas, A. Friday & E. Huang (2018) EVALUATION BEYOND USABILITY: VALIDATING SUSTAINABLE HCI RESEARCH CHI 2018, Montreal, Canada. DOI: 10.1145/3173574.3173790
M. Piotrowska, M. Piecyk, J. Allen, F. McLeod, M. Austwick, O. Bates, A. Friday, S. Wise, T. Bektas, T. Nguyen, K. Ghali & T. Cherrett (2017) ANALYSING THE PERFORMANCE OF LAST-MILE PARCEL DELIVERY OPERATIONS IN LONDON Presented at the 22nd Annual Conference of The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport, Logistics Research Network (LRN), Southampton Solent University.
F. McLeod, O. Bates, T. Cherrett, A. Friday, S. Wise, M. Austwick, J. Allen, M. Piecyk, M. Piotrowska, T. Bektas, T. Nguyen & K. Ghali (2017) EXPLORING THE TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL IMPACT OF SEASONAL PARCEL DEMAND ON URBAN FREIGHT Presented at the 22nd Annual Conference of The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport, Logistics Research Network (LRN) , Southampton Solent University.
O. Bates & A. Friday (2016) FOOD ‘ON-DEMAND’: LEARNING FROM SUSTAINABLE LAST-MILE FREIGHT LOGISTICS. Presented at the “Designing Sustainable Food Systems” Workshop @ CHI ’17, Denver, Colorado, USA.
M. Piecyk & J. Allen (2017) LAND AVAILABILITY IN LONDON Logistics & Transport Focus, p. 38 – 40.
FTC2050 hosted a symposium to bring together a large audience of the various parties in last-mile urban deliveries.
The project generated over 20 articles directly relating to the research.
Detailed analyses and findings from the research.
Nine themed posters highlighting findings.
Over the duration of the FTC2050 project, a number of undergraduate and postgraduate (MSc) projects were undertaken relating to the project.
The FTC2050 project co-hosted a hackathon event ‘Parcel Hack 2019 – Hacking the Last-Mile’ on 1-2 March 2019 with CitySprint, Transport for London (TfL) and Geovation.